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Do a good job in building industrial quality brands

source:Update time:2020-04-14 15:14:12The number of clicks:733timeFont size:T | T

To carry out the construction of China's industrial quality brand, we should take "quality first, efficiency first" as the direction and promote the upgrading of "Made in China" industrial value chain.Promote the cultivation of "Made in China" international brand with brand value evaluation as the carrier;Driven by changes in quality, technology and management, we will create new competitive advantages for "Made in China".

The era of high-quality development is the era of brand-led development. Therefore, high-quality development cannot be separated from the brand-led development of enterprises.High-quality development must be characterized by relatively low input of production factors, relatively high efficiency in resource allocation, relatively low cost in resource environment and ecological environment, and relatively good economic and social benefits.China is now an economic power. Through high-quality development, China will strive to become an economic power.

The transformation from "made in China" to "created in China" and from "Chinese products" to "Chinese brands" is inseparable from the continuous construction of industrial product quality brands.Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Implementation Opinions on Promoting The Improvement of The Quality of Manufacturing Products and Services, which stated that by 2022, the overall quality level of the manufacturing industry will be significantly improved, the quality foundation and support capability will be significantly improved, the quality development environment will be continuously optimized, and the industrial quality work system will be more efficient.At the same time, made clear in order to improve the quality and brand competitiveness as the direction, "the construction of a number of national standards, industry standards, and group coordination of form a complete set of standard group of leading industry quality improvement, push not less than 10 industries or fields to establish quality classification work mechanism, perfect the focus on the quality of the whole life cycle of product traceability system" and so on quality of work goals.

Demonstration applications of quality classification will be carried out in key industries
The Notice makes it clear that the industrial quality brand building in 2020 will focus on guiding enterprises to improve the quality responsibility system, actively fulfill their social responsibilities, improve the quality traceability mechanism for the whole life cycle of products, make self-declaration of product and service quality standards and accept social supervision.We will encourage enterprises to strengthen total quality management, introduce management models such as performance excellence, Six Sigma and Lean manufacturing, and explore ways to build a whole-process quality management system based on digitalization, networking and intellectualization, so as to improve their quality management capabilities.At the same time, support industry associations and professional institutions to continue to carry out quality benchmarking and experience exchange.Local industrial and information authorities, professional organizations and industry associations are encouraged to promote modern quality management methods and quality engineering technologies, develop relevant tool software (APP), and carry out technical research, analysis and evaluation, consultation and diagnosis, and professional exchanges centering on the improvement of integrated circuits and mechanical equipment reliability.

The Notice points out that in 2020, it will continue to study and formulate product quality classification standards in key industries such as steel, nonferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical and mechanical equipment, focusing on product performance, technical capability and user demand, and carry out demonstration applications of quality classification based on industrial products trading platforms and other distribution channels.In the consumer goods industries such as electronic products and home appliances, grading standards will be determined based on key characteristics such as product safety performance, energy conservation, environmental protection, intelligence level and user experience, and quality grading will be promoted on a pilot basis.At the same time, we will strengthen the development of a testing and evaluation system for the first major equipment, explore the establishment of an operation mechanism for graded quality insurance, and encourage the use of high-quality products in major equipment and key projects.

Promote the regional brand building of industrial clusters
In terms of industrial brand cultivation, it supports the industry, local authorities and professional institutions to continue to organize the publicity and implementation activities of enterprise brand cultivation standards, promote the evaluation of brand management system maturity, and support the industry to carry out work such as product quality identification and product selection for customer satisfaction.Continue to promote the regional brand construction of industrial clusters, guide the cluster to strengthen the construction of technical service platform, improve industrial competitiveness and regional brand influence by improving standards, registering collective trademarks, publicity and promotion.We will encourage the planning and organization of special events around The China Brand Day, and guide the development of Chinese industrial brand Tours, brand story contests, brand innovation achievements release and other activities, so as to continuously improve the image of industrial brands.

The new generation of information technology not only provides new methods for the development of quality technology but also puts forward new requirements for quality detection.The Notice encourages local authorities in charge of industry and information technology to combine quality improvement with smart manufacturing, green manufacturing and industrial Internet construction, and to increase support for quality upgrading and technological transformation and technological innovation.We will support the development of public service platforms such as research, development and design, measurement testing, reliability verification, inspection and testing in the areas of the Internet of Vehicles, 5G, integrated circuits, new materials and the Internet of Things.

In terms of cultivating quality brand talents, the Notice supports relevant associations to organize a total quality management knowledge contest and promote quality brand quality education.Guide enterprises to combine the industry and its own characteristics, strengthen the quality knowledge should know should meet and post professional skills training, strictly implement the key post certificated to work;We will promote the establishment of a quality education network involving institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes, industry associations and enterprises, organize the development of quality brand to improve the 14th and 5th five-year series of teaching materials, and build quality brand quality courses.We will support the establishment of quality research institutes, brand research institutes, industrial quality and brand personnel training bases, and accelerate the building of professional quality brand teams.


(Keywords in this article:Do a good job in building industrial quality brand)